Get on over to - "delightful designs by Robbon" to ENTER!! I am giving away a $25 Thirty-One Gift Certificate to a lucky follower!! Don't wait! This is over on the 24th!
Robbon is also giving away a pair of her beautiful Lampwork earrings too!!
I personally have a beautiful bracelet and another on the way! Hurry up! This one is over on the 16th!
Want to see what you can get with your GC? Go to to see what Thirty-One has to offer!!
You need to become a follower and post your entries at ddbyrobbon!!! Good Luck!
Parrot Coloring Pages
1 week ago
Hi I have just found your blog would love to win.Trish
ReplyDeleteHi I entered the giveaway at your friends ddbyrobbon and The comments I made have never been listed and this is the 18th and her giveaway was for the 16th and she has not listed her giveaway yet.Hope she is ok.Trish